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What is Mediation Conciliation?

Saturday, January, 15, 2011

At surface value, mediation/conciliation may come across as two different terms that essentially describe the same process. Indeed, the basic description of conciliation sounds strikingly similar to mediation, but the two processes are, in fact, markedly different. Read the following mediation/conciliation descriptions In order to find out which alternative dispute resolution method can best benefit you.


Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method that allows parties to find mutually agreeable solutions to disputes outside of the court system. During mediation, all parties involved in the dispute are given an opportunity to convey pertinent goals, grievances and desires.

A neutral, third party mediation attorney is present to impartially help both sides move toward a mutual understanding, and eventually, an ideal resolution.

In mediation, those involved in the dispute ultimately drive the process under the impartial guidance of the mediation attorney -- a key area in which mediation differs from conciliation.


During the conciliation process, the third party (conciliator) assumes direct control over the negotiations and proposes possible resolutions. While mediations are generally carried out as a means to resolve a dispute, conciliation is typically utilized when a problem first arises in order to prevent the situation from snowballing into a major conflict.

Between mediation/conciliation, mediation is the alternative dispute resolution that is more prominently used within the United States.  Fortunately, those who wish to settle their disputes outside of court can find a mediation attorney with just a few clicks. Find a local, relevant solution to your disagreements today!