March 20, 2017

March 20, 2017

This is why baby boomers are divorcing at a stunning rate – Statistically speaking we’re healthier and probably going to be living a lot longer — possibly 30 years longer — than average retirees once did. The surge in late-in-life — or “gray” — divorce is one possibly unintended consequence of this so-called longevity bonus.

$20 Trillion In Debt – And Why We Need Even More Of It – Markets naturally trade on future expectations. Currently, US stock valuations rely on a necessary degree of public debt expansion. On its own, the federal budget is currently infeasible to balance due to ongoing trends in federal expenditures. The debt expansion most relevant to the US stock market includes the Trump administration’s initiatives to lower corporate tax rates and increase infrastructure spending.

Beware of mind games when shopping mortgage rates – Sometimes our brain gets in the way of a good decision. It’s called “cognitive bias,” and it happens when our mind tricks us into making irrational choices. We think something is true — and we just go with it.

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March 20, 2017