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Divorce Mediation Costs Less Than Traditional Route

Monday, April, 11, 2011

On average, Divorce mediation costs a great deal less than the traditional divorce path followed in the United States.  In part, this is due to the nature of the process, which is streamlined to avoid excessive costs.  Another important factor in controlling costs is that fees are often set in advance, which may not be true when the parties are pursuing a dissolution of their marriage through the usual channels.

Mediation fees typically range between three and four thousand dollars for cases which need five or fewer sessions with mediation attorneys.  This figure represents the combined amount that husband and wife will need to pay and includes fees for drawing up settlements as well as for the mediation sessions themselves. 

Traditional Route Exceeds Mediation Costs

A traditional divorce lawyer, in contrast, may charge a retainer as high as five thousand dollars just to take the case.  This figure may not represent the full charge since the lawyer will also bill by the hour, steadily drawing down the retainer as they work on the case.  Lengthy or complex cases can quickly exhaust the retainer, at which point the client will need to furnish more money.  In all, the cost of a traditional divorce can easily exceed mediation fees by a factor of ten.  Even simple divorces may cost twice as much when mediation for divorce is not employed.


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