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Crash Course: Environmental Mediation 101

Saturday, January, 15, 2011

Environmental mediation can be a highly effective tool to resolve environmental disputes without having to deal with the courts. In the old days, disagreeing parties attempted to resolve their differences between themselves rather than relying on the judicial system. Alternative dispute resolution has slowly been gaining popularity and through professionally facilitated mediations, areas of common ground are identified and solutions are agreed upon. Often the best approach is to bring in a third party with a diverse viewpoint to find common ground. All parties involved will have a chance to voice their opinion or side of the story in order to come up with a logical solution. If you feel like you need to get in touch with someone who can get a process like this started for you then the best thing to do is contact the law firm of your choice and see if they can handle an environmental mediation. Be sure to have as much information as possibly ready so the odds are in your favor and be patient as an environmental mediation can sometimes be a long and drawn out process. Once you get started, everything is in the hands of the person handling the case so all you have to do is wait.

This is something that many people take very seriously so you should definitely remember that environmental mediation is always an option.

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