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Financial Mistakes to Avoid during Divorce Mediation Long Island

Friday, July, 1, 2011

Practitioners of divorce mediation in Long Island can help separating couples avoid the kind of costly financial mistakes they will regret for years to come.  One of the primary mistakes couples make when using divorce mediation to end a marriage is to hire only a single mediation attorney.  Each party's financial interests will be better protected if husband and wife each hire a mediation attorney. 

Another mistake couples make is to try to keep joint checking, savings, and credit accounts as long as possible.  It is far better to acquire individual accounts as soon as it is clear that the marriage will be ending in divorce.  Joint accounts should be closed, since each signatory to them is fully responsible for all activity on them.  The temptation to withdraw monies or overspend on credit while it is still possible may overcome the spouse who is weaker financially.


Divorce Mediation Long Island Protects Spouses' Interests

Another mistake a divorce mediation attorney can help couples avoid is the urge to retain the family home at any cost.  It may be more financially effective for the joint home to be sold, but market conditions may dictate whether that course is wise at any given point in time.


Learn more about Mediation or find a Divorce Mediation Attorney in New York in the National Mediation Directory.