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Finding Resolution through Divorce Mediation

Thursday, November, 15, 2012


Disputes are a part of being human, but sometimes, those disputes blow up to proportions that become too difficult to handle alone.  When this happens, the necessity of working with a professional who can help the conflict resolve quickly is obvious, and never is this truer than in a situation surrounding a divorce.  Divorce is an example of a decision that is too difficult to handle alone.

When a married couple considers divorce seriously, their entire world is turned upside down.  Their home, family and lives together becomes separated and disconnected, making communication almost impossible to achieve.  However, communication is the one thing that is absolutely necessary if the divorce is to happen—there are papers to be signed, negotiations regarding child custody to be made, and properties to divide.  If both sides wish to come out of the situation with some portion of their savings, possessions and dignity intact, communication is crucial.

Since its main goal is to open paths of communication, mediation is the perfect solution for a couple who wants to be wise about the enormous task facing them.  With mediation, the channels of communication will be more open than what a courtroom setting would allow, and both parties are able to discuss what is best for everyone involved, with the help of a third-party and neutral mediator.

The sheer horror that is often the litigation process is the biggest reason why mediation is preferable as a way to reach a divorce settlement, especially when both partners are willing to communicate without getting divorce attorneys involved.  Since mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that allows parties in conflict to avoid going to court over a dispute, divorce mediation should be a couple’s FIRST thought.  The assurance of skipping the costly, embarrassing and lengthy litigation process is an appealing prospect for many people, especially if their conflict can be resolved without it. 

In divorce mediation, a married couple who no longer wishes to be married can work together and make the divorce “official” for a fraction of the amount they would likely have to pay if the divorce is settled through divorce attorneys and the courts.  This allows the family to move on and begin the healing process much sooner, with more money in the family’s pockets to do so.