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Mediation Begins for Hockey Referees and Parents

Monday, March, 28, 2016

The brawl that occurred between hockey referees and parents in attendance at the game will be settled through mediation. Both parties were ordered to mediation by Howell Municipal Court Judge Susan Schroeder-Clark in an effort to prevent the need for a trial. The judge stated she found the dispute and related events disturbing, but believes it is in everyone’s best interest to attempt mediation.


The fight occurred February 7th, after a referee allegedly mistreated the mother of a hockey player. Some reports stated the ref used obscene language toward the mother and the players, before the mother was ejected. She was reportedly banging on the glass during the game against Manalapan. The woman’s husband confronted the ref and allegedly assaulted him, according to another ref involved in the incident. Witnesses stated the man entered the changing area, demanding to know which of the refs used foul language, and then began punching one of the referees.


According to police, there is not enough evidence to file criminal charges against the parents or the referees, something that troubles many involved with the incident. Some are concerned the event ever happened and that it was able to grow into such a fracas.


Those familiar with the case report mediation will start sometime in April and continue until parties involved agree to a resolution or determine no resolution will be possible without a civil trial. Civil charges could be elevated because there were people under the age of 15 witnessing the event and because some people were acting on behalf of the school.