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Mediation Jobs for Two Iowa Supreme Court Judges

Monday, May, 16, 2011

The field of mediation has two new participants this week.  David Baker and Michael Streit, formerly justices on the Iowa Supreme Court, lost their seats last November in a retention vote.  Combined, the two ex-judges have almost 70 years of experience in the field of law.


Mediation Jobs Taken After Unpopular Ruling


The election that ousted Baker and Streit focused heavily on a 2009 ruling on same sex marriage.  The ruling issued by the Iowa Supreme Court struck down a law that defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman.  The state high court viewed the law as a violation of the U.S.  Constitution's guarantee of equal protection for all citizens.


In all, three justices from the court lost their seats in last November's election.  Commenting on the divisive ruling, Streit said, "None of us would have done it differently.”  Remarking on his acceptance of a mediation job, Streit further observed, "I have lived and breathed the law for so many years and I still have something to offer”.


Baker declined to discuss the same sex ruling but called mediation "an interactive proves -- talking with attorneys and parties.  They come to a voluntary decision.  As a judge, you simply listen and make a decision."


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