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Mediation Lawyers Offer Novel Approach to Resolve Disputes

Tuesday, May, 10, 2011

Mediation lawyers know that going to court to resolve a dispute is not always the most efficient and cost-effective approach.  Mediation can be used instead.  Mediation is a voluntary process that is both informal and in most cases, non-binding.  This means that if the parties are not satisfied with the resolution obtained using mediation, going to court still remains an option.  In many cases, however, mediation rules out the need to go to court at all because with the help of a mediation attorney, the two sides in the dispute are able to come to an amicable settlement.


Mediation Lawyers Provide Confidentiality


Attorney-client confidentiality is a well-known concept, but what some people may not realize is that the protection does not extend into the courtroom.  It is not merely a case of the people in the courtroom hearing whatever is said; things that are said in court become part of a public record that can usually be accessed for years afterwards.


Mediation avoids this pitfall.  It takes place in a private conference with only a limited number of people, all of them pertinent to the dispute at issue.  There is no such thing as a gallery open to the public when it comes to mediation.  In addition, the record of what is said and discussed during a mediation session does not form part of a public record; it remains private.  For this reason alone, mediation may be highly preferred in some situations, for example family mediation.