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Mediation May Be The Only Hope For Milwaukee County Board and County Executive

Monday, April, 29, 2013


The dispute between the Milwaukee County Board and Chris Abele, a County Executive, will be sent to a mediator in hopes of reaching a resolution, according to Marina Dimitreijevic, a Board Supervisor.  The differences between the two parties have arisen over issues related to reforming the government of Milwaukee County.  "I'm willing to sit down with a mediator to get this done," Dimitrijevic said. 

The cause of the dispute centers on state legislation that has been sponsored by Rep. Joe Sanfelippo and aims to lessen the resources and power of the County Board, while increasing the power of the county executives.  This bill is, for obvious reasons, has not been favored by the County Board; however, Abele, has stated that the County Board has let almost 10 years pass without reforming itself.  Regarding the question of whether he believes mediation will be successful in resolving the differences between the two parties, Abele’s response was, "No, I don't think so. I don't think it's going to work."

Abele claims that the Board has consistently battled any reforms that have been suggested and has been uncooperative.  For example, he requested that Dimitrijevic instruct a Milwaukee County lobbyist to report to him during the process of enacting the 2013 budget.  According to Abele, Dimitrijevic agreed to do so but there was no follow-through on the agreement. 

Some supervisors and Board members have accused Abele of attempting a power grab in the process of supporting this new legislation.  However, Rep. Sanfelippo, the sponsor of the legislation, accuses the County Supervisors of attempting to micromanage the county’s daily operations instead of focusing on major policy.   

According to Dimitrijevic, the job of the Supervisors was a full-time job that would be reduced to a salary of $24,000 if Sanfelippo's bill passes in the April 2014 referendum.