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Mediation on the Horizon for 911 Workers and Community

Monday, December, 16, 2019

For five years, Stanislaus Regional 911 workers have worked without a contract and after years of negotiating, the county recently declared an impasse in negotiations.  Now the matter will move to mediation.  The mediator has been assigned, but a date has yet to be set for the first meeting.


The negotiations dragged on for so long the 911 workers eventually joined ranks with Operating Engineers Local 3 this past fall.


The dispatch center answers 911 calls throughout the community and works with 20 law enforcement and fire departments.  The service workers are employed by the county and has a project created by the joint powers agreement between Modesto and Stanislaus County.


According to reports, the county offered 911 workers a 2.5 percent raise despite other bargaining units having their 2010 wage cuts reversed and receiving additional pay increases on top of the reversal.  


The union requested a 4 percent raise that included 1 percent to restore the cuts.  The previous contract extension that was in place until June 2015 had restored most of the cuts that affected dispatch employees.


According to a report issued by Stanislaus County’s CEO, “We are encouraged that employee representatives have recently agreed to use the assistance of a mediator to assist the parties in reaching a final agreement.”


In 2014, a review conducted by the local newspaper found the base salary range for Stanislaus 911 workers to be between $47,320 and $57,533.  However, employees averaged about $10,000 in overtime and $10,000 in incentive pay.  The study found additional information that the union said was inaccurate.