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Ongoing Dispute between Neighbors Headed to Mediation

Monday, April, 11, 2016

Mok Keat Har and her family have received numerous visits from government agencies over the course of a six-year dispute with a neighbor. The visits came from the National Environment Agency, town council staff, HBD officials, the police and even the narcotics bureau. All of the visits and strife were due to the smell that comes from Har’s apartment. To date, the agency has found nothing to cause them concern.


Mok repots the visits all stem form an ongoing dispute with a neighbor who continues to harass her family.


Hopefully, the dispute will be resolved soon, as the two neighbors have signed an agreement to mediate the issue at the Community Mediation Centre (CMC).


According to the agreement, Mok’s neighbor will need to visit the apartment with Mok to determine the source of the smell – in lieu of calling different agencies on the woman.


Unfortunately, the agreement was ignored by Mok’s neighbor and within days of signing it, officials had returned to the apartment. Mok was infuriated and confused as to why her neighbor didn’t follow through on the agreement.


The six year feud has been a challenge for Mok. Much of the time she was caring for her parents – both of whom had cancer – and she was rushing between work and hospitals. During this time she received frequent visits from police, all triggered by her neighbor.


Mok reports burning incense and smoking cigarettes in her home, but points out neither are illegal. In an effort to resolve the problem, she even gave the various agencies her incense cones so they could ensure there was no wrongdoing.