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Teacher Contract Negotiations in Federal Mediation

Wednesday, November, 20, 2013


A new teacher contract for the staff at Anna-Jonesboro High School in Illinois has led to disagreements that have sent the contract talks into federal mediation.  The biggest concern between the disputing parties involves the best approach for its closing a gap in future faculty payments.  Union President Scott Finders, representing the teachers, says that the talks so far have been interesting, but that he and his supporters are still hopeful the issue will end in settlement. 


Finders did not provide any more detail regarding additional issues that are keeping the two sides from reaching a final deal.  Currently, teachers of been working under the previous rendition of the contract that actually expired at the end of this new school year.  Beginning in October, both sides started meeting in mediation and although both sides have been reluctant to provide details about the actual talks, they have been hopeful that the conversation is still continuing and that it can be resolved completely with mediation.


The district wants to implement a new pay schedule that will affect some teachers, which is leading certain numbers of teachers and the union to be reluctant about signing the contract.  Under the new plan, teachers believe they would have to work longer in order to qualify for the full pension benefits.  The district does not presently have anyone signed up under the Tier II plan, which requires teachers to work until the age of 67 to get their full pension benefits after 10 years of continued service.  Those who have been connected to the retirement plan prior to January 1, 2011 are eligible to retire at age 55 with full benefits after 35 years of service.