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The "Art" of the Mediator

Tuesday, October, 14, 2014


Sometimes the "Art" of painting is the purposeful, planned placement of pigments in a particular presentation, post persistent planning and preparation (as is the "Art" of poetry alliteration).


As Mediators, no matter how extensive our preparation and planning, we can never be certain that our Mediation will turn out precisely as we envisioned before we began.


A painting consists of the brush strokes of the individual painter, after having specially chosen specific colors for each brush stroke. Each color and texture is chosen based upon the experience and knowledge of the painter.


The brush strokes of a painter are not unlike the "brush strokes" of a Mediator. While I can teach a person how to mediate a matter, each one of you who has ever mediated a case knows that Mediation is an "Art" to be developed and honed over a lifetime of experience.


As a complicated painting can become a "masterpiece", a complicated mediation can be brought to successful resolution, masterfully.


As the weeks go by, we will talk about the "Art" of the Mediator, Mediation Issues, and other related topics. If you have something meaningful to you, which you believe will be beneficial to this effort, please send it to me. If you would like to subscribe, I would be honored if you would do so. I will look forward to talking with you.


Posted By:

James G. Stewart

Atlanta, Georgia