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Mediation in the Workplace

Saturday, January, 15, 2011

Learning to use mediation in the workplace could save you from losing a stable job. Not every company has a Human Resources department to turn to should a problem arise, and this is especially true in today's tough job market; employees have become just as responsible for ensuring a safe work environment as their employers, and an employee's personal attitude could add to, or even disrupt, the office morale almost instantly. When and if an issue should arise from a disgruntled employee, using workplace mediation is a dependable technique to start the resolution process. Workplace mediation doesn't necessarily have to be initiated by a professional mediator or even by management. An employee, with proper training of course, can be just as effective using mediation techniques to solve discrepancy. This is why training employees for workplace mediation is a great concept to implement.

Moreover, in the work environment, it is not wise for just any to involve themselves in a dispute between fellow co-workers. Not only can this create a bigger problem, but it could also place even more employees in danger should the issue escalate out of control. Again, this is why both the concept of workplace mediation, and the proper training, is highly important. The last thing an employer (or even fellow co-workers) want or need is an issue disrupting the entire office when it could have been properly settled behind closed doors. If workplace mediation is properly utilized, fellow co-workers may never have known that an issue existed in the first place!