Mark A. Fahleson

Labor, Mediation
1201 Lincoln Mall, Suite 102
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508



1992, Nebraska, U.S. District Court, District of Nebraska and U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth and Sixth Circuits.

Law School

University of Nebraska at Lincoln, J.D., with high distinction, 1992

Law School Graduation Year



University of Nebraska at Lincoln, B.S., 1989


Lincoln and Nebraska State (Member, Executive Committee, Labor Relations and Employment Law Section) Bar Associations; Defense Research Institute (Member, Employment Law Committee; Chairman, Legislative Subcommittee); Nebraska Defense Counsel Association.


Order of the Coif. Editor in Chief, Nebraska Law Review. Judicial Clerk, Hon. D. Nick Caporale, Nebraska Supreme Court, 1992-1993. Legislative Director, 1994-1995 and Chief of Staff, 1995-1997, to Member of U.S. House of Representatives. Author: The Public Policy Exception to Employment at Will--When Should Courts Defer to the Legislature? 72 Neb. L. Rev. 956 (1993); Workplace Privacy: Balancing Employer - Employee Rights and Obligations, The Nebraska Lawyer (2002); Attention Practitioners: Employment Noncompetition Provisions are Enforceable in Nebraska - Sort of, The Nebraska Lawyer (2002). Adjunct Professor, Employment Law, University of Nebraska College of Law, 2001—.
