Michael A. Atter

Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A.

Orange Park, Florida 32065


Accident, Medical Malpractice, Negligence, Nursing Home, Personal Injury, Personal Liability, Premises Liability, Professional Liability, Wrongful Death

Michael Atter   joined the firm in 1982. The Wood and Atter families had been friends for many years and it just made sense for Mr. Atter to join forces with Clarence Wood to represent clients in the North Florida area. As a former State Attorney and a civil trial lawyer, Mr. Atter has continues the fine tradition of aggressive and compassionate representation of clients. The firm's managing partner has a sincere interest in making sure that each client gets the dedicated representation necessary to get the job done.
Founded in 1957, Wood, Atter & Wolf has represented clients and their families throughout the State of Florida Based in the heart of Jacksonville, our Law Firm prides itself with an active ongoing trial and litigation practice.

We believe that every client deserves individualized and focused attention by our attorneys and support staff. We are committed to providing personalized service, regardless of the nature of your business. In our practice and through this website, we seek to reach out and educate the public on the legal rights available in Florida. For example, Florida provides State-specific rights to personal injury victims that pertain to medical care, wage loss, and compensation for injuries. A victim's rights should be protected and enforced whenever necessary.

Before making any agreements or decisions with the individual or entity that caused your injuries, you should consult an attorney about your legal rights especially as to monetary compensation.

333-1 East Monroe Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Local:      (904) 355-8888
Toll Free: (800) 737-9376
Fax:         (904) 358-3061
Email: [email protected]