Stephen W. Jones

Labor, Mediation
The Frauenthal Building, 904 Front Street
Conway, Arkansas 72032



1978, Arkansas; 1984, U.S. Supreme Court

Law School

University of Arkansas at Little Rock, J.D., high honors, 1978

Law School Graduation Year



Hendrix College and University of Illinois, A.B., high honors, 1969


Pulaski County, Arkansas (Member, Employment and Labor Law Section) and American (Member, Labor and Employment Law Section, Equal Employment Opportunity Law Committee; Member, Litigation Section) Bar Associations


Phi Alpha Delta. Listed in: Who's Who in American Law; Who's Who in America; Who's Who in the World. Recipient: Writing Excellence Award, Arkansas Bar Foundation; Best of CLE Award, Arkansas Bar Association, 1999-2001. Editor-in-Chief, U.A.L.R. Law Journal, 1977-1978. Contributing Author: Chapter 21, Schlei & Grossman, Employment Discrimination Law, 2d Ed., 1983. Author, The Attack on Traditional Billing Practices, 20 UALR L.J. 293, 1998, presented to American Bar Association Techshow 99. Editor: Arkansas Employment Law Letter, 1995—; Arkansas Employment Law Deskbook, 1996. Fellow, College of Labor and Employment Lawyers.
