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Lawyer Gets Certification to Mediate in Divorce Cases

Monday, September, 3, 2018

A Pensacola attorney recently received his certification to act as a mediator in Florida divorce cases.  Craig Vigdosky, an attorney who handles domestic violence and criminal defense cases in addition to family law and divorce, is now able to help clients save money and time, and resolve their divorces with less animosity.


Vigdosky’s certification came from Mediation Plus, a group that offers mediation services and training.  They have more than 30 years of experience and provide attorneys and other professionals with training, exam prep, courses, and programs to help them step into mediation with the skills they need.


The goal of mediation is to help clients save money and give them a process that makes a resolution easier and more effective.  Instead of winding through the court system, taking years or more to resolve and often leaving all parties unsatisfied with the outcome, mediators bring everyone together to discuss the case and consider all possible outcomes.  They are then able to negotiate the best result and move forward without the resentment and bitter feelings many people have.  This is especially true in divorce cases.


Vigdosky wants to encourage Florida couples who are divorcing to consider mediation and shares the following bit of advice.  “People who decide on dealing with a certified mediator typically are glad they do.  Court can be a lot to handle financially, emotionally, and mentally.   No one wants to spend his or her time in court."


Now that Vigdosky is certified, he will work with current and future clients to help them determine if mediation is their best option.