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Mediation Last Hope for Kennewick Teachers

Monday, September, 3, 2018

According to Kennewick teachers, negotiations between the teachers union and the school board have come to a standstill.  Though there is hope that mediation will be successful, the teachers and their union have stated if there is no resolution soon they will be going on strike.

The recent bargaining session between the union and the district concluded with no new contract.  However, the two groups did make some headway concerning the prospect of mediation.  They agreed to postpone their bargaining sessions and try to move forward only with the assistance of a state-appointed mediator.  Both sides agreed this oversight would likely be the best option.


According to the union, the district has thus far refused to budge concerning the issues in question and they are running out of options and might need to strike.


The president of the Kennewick Education Association (KEA) said she felt discouraged following the most recent round of talks and she feels as they everyone walked away from the discussions with nothing to show for their time and effort.  Said Janet Bell, “We are not going to start the year with a contract at the rate we are going. ”


Educators and the union claim they have “repeatedly tried” to compromise with the district but the district would not return the favor.  Bell explained, "Negotiation has two sides, one side goes down a bit, the other side goes up.  They have just been sitting on the same number and they would not move off it. "


Bell stated the teachers understand striking will affect families but they believe they have very few options.