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Real Housewives of Orange County Star Tamra Barney Ordered into Mediation in Custody Dispute

Thursday, May, 8, 2014


Tamra Barney, co-star of the popular television program The Real Housewives of Orange County, has been ordered into mediation with her ex-husband Simon Barney concerning the legal custody of the couple’s three children, aged 8, 13 and 15.  Simon had filed for custody of the children, alleging that Tamra “...  has been very neglectful in her care for the children [resulting] in the children not getting prompt medical care, nutritional meals, hygienic care and deterioration in their school work and attendance.”


Tamra has opposed the filing and called the accusations false.  The filing prompts an automatic mediation appointment that both parents must attend.  The children will also be allowed to make statements; eldest daughter Sidney has publicly supported her father and indicated she would prefer to be in his primary custody.  However, while the children’s’ statements will likely be taken into consideration, the court will also weight other factors, including ability to provide and stability of the home life.


It’s not unusual for custody issues to come up again and again, especially in high-powered divorces.  This is one reason why mediation is often built-in as an automatic function when motions are filed, in order to keep nuisance and punitive filings from clogging the court schedule.