August 3, 2016

August 3, 2016

Negotiating in Mediation: Why Did We Stop Talking? – Practical advice for engaging your adversary in dialogue to ensure the most productive mediation.

Men who face this ordeal are more likely to divorce – In a new study that echoes on previous research, Harvard sociologist Alexandra Killewald found that husbands who aren’t able to play the role of “breadwinner” are more likely to get divorced—and, surprisingly, not (just) because their family is suffering financially.

Guidelines Intend To Protect Homeowners As Foreclosure Relief Programs Expire – Nearly a decade after the housing bubble burst and the government created programs to provide relief for homeowners facing foreclosure, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working to ensure that consumers continue to receive needed assistance tailored to changing home retention needs. Today, the Bureau has released new a new outline to guide the creation of new solutions for foreclosure relief.

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August 3, 2016