July 3, 2017

July 3, 2017

When to Get an Annulment Instead of a Divorce – Ten years ago, I muscled a guy down the aisle. We had been together for six years, the relationship was becalmed, and I had pretty much decided that marriage was the only thing that would blow us out of our doldrums: We’d be official, we’d have kids, we’d have a decent set of dish towels. He reluctantly agreed.

7 signs you’re in debt over your head – Sometimes the first sign of debt trouble is that you ignore the signs: You don’t know what your credit card balances are, for example, or you just don’t open statements.

Warren Buffett Bets on Real Estate: Should You Join Him? – Berkshire Hathaway recently bought a stake of nearly 10% in a real estate investment trust.

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July 3, 2017