Workplace Disputes Handled Quickly and Privately with Mediation

Workplace Disputes Handled Quickly and Privately with Mediation

Workplace mediation provides tremendous benefits to both employers and employees who are involved in a workplace dispute.  Not only are they confidential—they are more inclined to resolve the issue than litigation is, allowing everyone to get back to work (together!) more quickly, with minimal distraction and time lost from productivity.

The quicker you handle a workplace dispute through mediation, the more likely it is that the outcome will be favorable to everyone involved.  Allowing situations to fester only increases the tension and conflict—both of which are lessened through the process of mediation with a trained mediator who is an expert in handling workplace disputes.

Below are some of the most common issues that can be successfully handled through workplace mediation.

  1. Sexual harassment complaints—often, the core problem with sexual harassment is a difference in opinion regarding what is offensive and what isn’t.  When two parties are allowed to openly discuss boundaries, and what is (and is not) appropriate for a professional work environment, the situation is generally resolved quickly and with minimal damage.
  2. Interpersonal differences between employees—let’s face it, everyone is different and there are many times when different personalities clash at the workplace.  Settling these disputes and personality clashes quickly through mediation as soon as they arise can help offset further, more complicated issues that might arise if the situation is allowed to continue without mediation.
  3. Deteriorating job performance—employees can get wrapped up in their personal lives and struggles to such a degree that it lowers their job performance.  The intense personal struggles they face might produce feelings of defensiveness and anger, making it difficult to resolve the situation peaceably.  Mediation helps both employer and employee understand the reasons and the results of poor job performance, ensuring that the employee gets the support he or she needs to make it through difficult personal situations without affecting the company’s level of productivity or professionalism.

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Workplace Disputes Handled Quickly and Privately with Mediation