Darrell T. Carver

Medical Malpractice, Mediation
3121 Zelda Court, P.O. Drawer 5058
Montgomery, Alabama 361035058

Medical Malpractice


1991, Georgia, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Georgia, U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit; Georgia Supreme Court; Georgia Court of Appeals. (Not admitted in Alabama)

Law School

Howard University School of Law, J.D., 1990

Law School Graduation Year



Tennessee State University, B.B.A., 1985


DeKalb, National and American Bar Associations; DeKalb Lawyers Association; Georgia Trial Lawyers; American Trial Lawyers.


Previous Employment: Associate Attorney, Alston & Bird, LLP, Atlanta, Georgia, 1990-1992; Assistant District Attorney, Fulton County, Georgia, 1992-1996; Trial Attorney, Sharon W. Ware & Associates, 1996-1998; Attorney, Law Offices of Darrell T. Carver, P.C., Stone Mountain, Georgia, 1998-2001. (Also at Atlanta, Georgia Office)
