David H. Leonard

Real Estate, Mediation
605 Center Street N.E., P.O. Box 804
Salem, Oregon 97308

Real Estate


1973, Oregon, U.S. District Court, District of Oregon and U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit

Law School

Willamette University, J.D., 1973

Law School Graduation Year



Willamette University and Western Oregon University, B.S., 1970


Marion County and American Bar Associations; Oregon State Bar (Member, Sections on: Business and Corporate Law; Debtor/Creditor Rights; Chair, Aglaw Section Executive Committee, 2001); American Agricultural Law Association.


Speaker: Oregon State Bar CLE Program, Buying and Selling A Closely Held Business, July, 1981; Creation & Foreclosure of Equitable Mortgages, August, 1985. Member, Board of Directors, Oregon Metallurgical Corporation, 1988-1998. Member, Board of Trustees, Willamette University, 1992-1996 .
