Jackson M. Payne

Conflict, Mediation
Suite 400, The Land Title Building, 600 North 20th Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35203



1971, Alabama

Law School

Cumberland School of Law, J.D., 1971

Law School Graduation Year



Auburn University, B.S., 1967


Birmingham Estate Planning Council


Member of Staff, Cumberland-Samford Law Review, 1970-1971. Author: Major Changes in 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act Requires Revision of Nearly All Estate Plans, The Alabama Lawyer, Volume 43, No. 3, July, 1982; An Inflation-Proof Rent Adjustment Clause for Commercial Leases, The Practical Lawyer, Volume 29, No. 6, September, 1983; Planning for the Purchase and Sale of a Business Operated as a C Corporation, The Birmingham Bar Association Bulletin, Volume 22, No. 2, Summer, 2001. Adjunct Professor of Decedents Trusts and Estates, 1972-1973; Business Planning, 1979-1980; Commercial Real Estate Transactions, 1981-1982; Contemporary Estate Planning, 1984-1986, at Cumberland School of Law. Chairman of Continuing Legal Education Committee of the Birmingham Bar Association, 1984, 1991; Member, Executive Committee of the Birmingham Bar Association, 1985-1987; Chairman, Long Range Planning Committee, Birmingham Bar Association, 1987-1988. Secretary/Treasurer, Birmingham Bar Association, 1988-1989. President, National Alumni Association of Cumberland School of Law, 1987-1989. Member: Advisory Board of Trustees of Cumberland School of Law, 1987-1992; Advisory Board of the School of Accountancy of Auburn University; Advisory Board of Planned Giving, Samford University. Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.
