Raymond R. Cusack

Insurance, Mediation
One South Church Avenue, Suite 1700
Tucson, Arizona 857011621



1970, Illinois, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois; 1980, Federal Trial Bar and New York; 1991, Arizona and U.S. District Court, District of Arizona; 1992, Colorado

Law School

Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, J.D., 1970

Law School Graduation Year



University of Virginia, B.A., 1967


Chicago (Judicial Candidate Committee; Civil Practice Committee; Tort and Insurance Law Committee), Illinois State (Delegate, General Assembly, 1978-1982; Member: Tort and Insurance Law Committee; Civil Practice Committee; Product Liability Committee) and American (Sections on: Tort and Insurance Practice; General Liability and Consumer Law) Bar Associations; State Bar of Arizona; Tucson Defense Bar Association; International Association of Defense Counsel (Member, Tort and Insurance Practice Committee and Editor, Hazardous Waste Committee Newsletter, March 1989); Defense Research Institute (Member, Product Liability Committee). Advocate, American Board of Trial Advocates.


Author: The Arizona Statute of Repose, The Arizona Attorney, March 1993; Successor Corporations and Strict Product Liability in Tort-An Arizona Perspective, The Arizona Attorney, May 1993; Deficiency of Service: Potential Source of Attorney Liability, The Advocate, October 1994. Lecturer: Trial Techniques, American Society of Trial Advocacy, 1973; Tort Law and Trial Techniques, Illinois Bar Association CLE, 1975-1990; Product Liability, State Bar of Arizona CLE. Member, Board of Directors, Illinois Society of Trial Lawyers, 1988-1990. Member, 1975-1990 and Member, Board of Directors, 1985-1988, Illinois Defense Counsel. Member, Board of Directors, Arizona Association of Defense Counsel, 2000-2001. Nominated Panel Counsel, National Association of Counter-Top Appliance Manufacturers. Founding and Managing Partner, Johnson, Cusack & Bell, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois, 1975-1990. Member, Board of Directors, Tucson Rodeo Committee.
