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Catholic Social Services Offer Family Mediation to Edmonton Canada

Tuesday, June, 5, 2012

Back in the '90s, the Catholic Social Services saw that there was a demand for family mediation programs. Funded by the Sign of Hope and partnered with Children's Services, they started a pilot program that eventually became the current Parent-Teen Mediation Program, or PTMP. Being a teen can be overwhelming in the face of raging hormones and new responsibilities, and this can dramatically affect the family dynamic. This is where the PTMP can help.

How Obtaining Family Civil Mediation Works in PTMP


The first stage of family mediation begins with a consultation with the program coordinator. This is to determine what services are needed to work out the current issues, whatever they are. “We really do see it all. Sometimes it's around skipping school, bullying issues, problems between siblings, sometimes it's about experimentation with drugs and alcohol,”says the program coordinator, Melanie MacNeil. “Whether it's a teen or youth and their guardian or caregiver or parent, we've done that.”


Most of the time, the PTMP is referred by parents by way of school counselors, child services, and doctors. The program also accepts contact from the teens in question.

What to Expect Once in Mediation Services


Usually, a family mediation case will last for three sessions, each lasting 2 or 3 hours. In more extreme cases, there can be more mediation sessions. After that, an in-home support worker will assist the parents and teen follow up on the agreements that were made. There is an additional education session every month for about 6 months, followed up with periodic check ups to make sure things are moving smoothly until the case is closed.


While this service is limited to the Edmonton, Canada area, there are many family law mediator programs throughout the United States and Canada. Some individuals would prefer to not mediate through a religion-linked organization, or may feel a conflict between their own faith and the Catholic faith. Contact a mediation attorney to learn more about your options when dealing with parent-teen relations.