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Economy Encourages Divorce Mediation vs. Divorce Litigation

Wednesday, December, 28, 2011

One of the peculiarities of economic hardship is that it can simultaneously cause marital stress and bring a couple closer together. More couples fight when their income does not meet their needs, but the cost of divorce litigation is prohibitive. Divorce mediation could be the solution for couples that cannot weather this storm. In fact, choosing this option may even prevent the separation altogether.


Economic Hardship and Divorce Options


In times of economic stress, many couples will postpone divorce proceedings until such a time that they can afford it. They may even continue to live in the same house, but sleep in separate rooms. What is important in these situations is that the children are still cared for, so the marriage becomes more of a business arrangement than a marriage proper.


Sometimes these arrangements are still unbearable. Feelings of betrayal may be just below the surface, especially if one or both of the individuals begin dating again. The couple may begin collaborating on the quickest and least expensive divorce options, perhaps even fabricating reasons for “no-fault” divorces. This often happens without knowledge that divorce arbitration is a perfectly viable and inexpensive option.


How Divorce Arbitration Can Actually Preserve Relationships


Having a mediated divorce is a completely different environment than having a divorce in court. Divorce court has a notorious reputation of combative proceedings and encouragement to try to get everything you can out of your former partner. In mediation, this environment is somewhat toned down and the goal is for mutually agreeable arrangements instead of “sticking it” to the other.


It is not unheard of during divorce mediation proceedings that couples get over their differences. The less than combative environment can cause couples to regain their lost connection. More frequently, couples may proceed with the divorce all the same, with the understanding that they make better friends than spouses. At any rate, the emphasis on cooperation can defuse a lifetime of hard feelings that all too often are transferred onto the children and friends of the couple.