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Mediation Could Settle Long-term Dispute Over Gate in Hot Springs Village

Monday, September, 14, 2020

The long-running debate over the gates at Hot Springs Village could finally come to an end via mediation. The Property Owners’ Association has agreed to enter into mediation with the International Security Network (ISN).


The lawsuit was filed by the Property Owners’ Association in November 2018. According to the claim, ISN failed to deliver on its contract to improve gate security in the community. A countersuit was filed by ISN in February 2010, claiming the company had upheld its end of the contract and had also provided equipment and custom supplies to the community.

According to an email sent to property owners in August, the association announced that the mediation session at a meeting that was not live-streamed but held using Zoom. The POA stated it did not have the equipment to make live streaming of the meeting possible. Zoom was chosen due to social distancing guidelines implemented as part of COVID-19 restrictions. The audio feed of the session was later posted on YouTube.


Additional matters were covered in the same meeting that the announcement was made regarding the upcoming mediation, including the resignation of one of the board members.


According to a quote from one of the attendees at the meeting, “Diana Podawiltz resigned from the board this last week. I would like to say that the action was taken by the board and by a majority of the board. When the board speaks as a majority, they speak for the board. When a majority makes a decision, it is our responsibility of duty of loyalty, obedience, and duty to uphold those decisions that are made by the majority of the board.”