Charles B. Bauer

Family, Mediation
733 North Seventh Street, P.O. Box 2730
Boise, Idaho 837012730



1979, Idaho, U.S. District Court, District of Idaho and U.S. Federal Court; 1984, U.S. Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit; 1991, Washington

Law School

University of Idaho, J.D., 1979

Law School Graduation Year



The Principia College, B.A., cum laude, 1976


Boise, Washington State and American Bar Associations; Idaho State Bar (Member, 1993 and Chair, 1996, Board of Governors, Family Law Section; President, Family Law Section, 1995-1996).


Member, Board of Editors, Idaho Law Review, 1979. Author: Child Custody and Visitation, including UCCJA and UCCJEA, in Idaho Family Law Handbook, Idaho State Bar, Family Law Section, 1998; Family Law in Idaho, Legal Education Institute, 1991; Child Custody Jurisdiction and Practice, Family Law Section, Idaho State Bar Association, 1998; Relocation of Children After Divorce, Advocate, Idaho State Bar Association, June, 2001; Relocation of Children -- An Update, Advocate, Idaho State Bar Association, September, 2002. Chair, Editorial Advisory Board, Idaho State Bar Advocate, 1988-1989. Teacher, Idaho Law Foundation: Representing Clients in Interstate Custody Disputes, 1999; Ethical Issues for the Family Law Practitioner, 2000; The UCCJEA and How It Affects Your Practice, 2000. Attorney Representative and Member, Idaho Bench Bar Committee to Protect Children of High Conflict Divorce, 1998-2000. Member, Board of Directors, Hays Shelter Home, 1984-1988 (President, 1986).
