Kathryn Grant Madigan

Contract, Mediation
450 Plaza Drive (Vestal), P.O. Box F-1706
Binghamton, New York 139020106



1979, New York and U.S. District Court, Northern District of New York; 1997, U.S. Supreme Court

Law School

Albany Law School of Union University, J.D., 1978

Law School Graduation Year



University of Colorado at Boulder, B.A., cum laude, 1975


Broome County (President, 1988-1989; Member, Board of Directors, 1982-1990), New York State (Member at Large, 1997-1998; Secretary, 1996-1997; Vice President, 6th Judicial District, 1990-1996; 2002—; Member: House of Delegates, 1983-1986; 1989-2001; 2002—; Chair, 1998-1999 and Member, Executive Committee, 1991—, Elder Law Section; Trusts and Estate Law Section; Executive Committee, 1999-2002; Chair, 1997-2002, Membership Committee; New York State Conference of Bar Leaders, Executive Council, 1989-1990) and American Bar Associations; National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys


Phi Beta Kappa; Mortar Board. Recipient: Outstanding Young Lawyer, New York State Bar Association, 1987; Reiter Award for Extraordinary Service to the Bar, Broome County Bar Association, 1997. Author: Chapter, Guardianship Practice in New York State ; Practice Development for the Elder Law and Trust & Estate Practitioner, New York State Bar Association, 1992, 1997; Helpful Practice Hints, New York State Bar Journal, 1989. Lecturer: New York State Bar Association; Broome County Bar Association; Binghamton University. Fellow: New York Bar Foundation; American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.
