Thomas E. Royals

Workplace, Mediation
The Plaza Building, Suite 500, 120 North Congress Street, P.O. Box 22909
Jackson, Mississippi 392252909



1969, Mississippi, U.S. District Court, Northern and Southern Districts of Mississippi, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit and U.S. Supreme Court

Law School

University of Mississippi Law School, J.D., 1969

Law School Graduation Year



Millsaps College, B.A. in English, 1962


American Bar Association; The Mississippi Bar; Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association (Chairman, Criminal Law Section, 1990-1991); National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; Charles Clark American Inns of Court (Bencher)


Member of Staff, Mississippi Law Journal. Reginald Heber Smith Fellow, Manhattan Bail Reform Project, New York City, Summer, 1967. Ford Foundation Grant to study with Tony Amsterdam and Richard Sobol through the University of Pennsylvania, Summer, 1968. First Assistant District Attorney, 7th Circuit, Hinds and Yazoo Counties, 1971-1973. Listed in The Best Lawyers in America and National Directory of Criminal Defense Lawyers, 3d Ed. Adjunct Professor, Trial Practice, Mississippi College School of Law. Founding President, Mississippi Attorneys for Constitutional Justice (the NACDL affiliate), 1992-1993. Fellow, Mississippi Bar Foundation.


U.S. Army Reserve, 1957-1964; U.S. National Guard.