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Tips for Divorce Mediation NJ

Tuesday, April, 26, 2011

Divorce Mediation: NJ, just like every other state, has its share of divorcing couples.  There is probably no way to make the process stress-free, but spouses who understand how to use mediation to end their marriage are on their way to making the process as painless as possible.  Some helpful tips about using mediation can get a divorcing couple off to a good start.


One of the first things to understand is that a mediation attorney can help couples resolve their differences in an amicable manner.  An analogy may be helpful: a lawsuit conducted in court can be like a battle, with both sides fighting almost to the death for assets and child custody.  Mediation, in contrast, is more like a treaty negotiation; the goal is to arrive at a peaceful settlement that both sides can tolerate.


Divorce Mediation NJ: Other Helpful Tips


It may sound trite, but that makes it no less true: it is essential for divorcing couples to focus on the positive.  Instead of concentrating on your differences, discuss the shared goals you still have, such as raising healthy, well-adjusted children despite the fact that their parents' marriage has come to an end.  This will help couples avoid the rancor that can easily accompany a divorce.  It is also a good idea to list all assets prior to meeting with a mediation attorney.