Anderson & Ward Educational Services specializes in assisting schools in meeting the needs of diverse learners. These services include professional development workshops, teacher and administrator coaching, inclusion facilitation, consultation, school scheduling, and program evaluation. Expert consultants and trainers are committed to helping educators use best practices in co-teaching and inclusion, differentiated instruction, IEP development, special education, diversity, instructional coaching, and response-to-intervention.
Dr. Tina Anderson and Dr. Holly Ward founded Anderson & Ward Educational Services in 2004 in response to the growing need of schools to successfully implement inclusive practices. Since that time, they have supported over 100 school systems, over 600 schools, and thousands of teachers and administrators in increasing the achievement of diverse learners. They focus on building lasting professional relationships while offering practical solutions based on sound research and a depth of experience working directly with teachers, administrators, parents, and students.
MISSION: to help ALL children, including those with diverse learning needs, reach their highest educational potential. We believe that all children can learn when their strengths are nurtured, differences are valued, and needs are met through effective programming.