10 Reasons to Use a Real Estate Attorney

10 Reasons to Use a Real Estate Attorney

Finding an Omaha real estate attorney can be challenging, but it is time well invested. Working with an experienced attorney when you are involved in a real estate transaction can save you frustration, money, and time.

Whether you are purchasing or selling real estate or dealing with personal or business transactions, an attorney has no personal stake in the transaction and will be working only to ensure that the deal is in your best interest and that your rights are protected. The other people involved in a real estate transaction, as concerned or helpful as they might seem, are all focused on their bottom line. They want what is best for them first and foremost. A real estate attorney works for you and he or she is the only person involved who is truly on your side.

There are many reasons why using a real estate attorney can help you. Here are the 10 most important:

1. Independent Party

An Omaha real estate attorney hired to represent you in a real estate transaction is solely working for you. They are going to offer you advise and ensure that you are taken care of. Everyone else involved in the transaction has a financial interest of their own, but your attorney is there to make sure things are handled in your best interest. He or she is an independent party who is acting on your behalf and has nothing to lose personally in the transaction.

2. Protecting You

Your Omaha real estate attorney will do everything in his or her power to protect your rights. This means they will not withhold information from you because it could affect the deal, nor will they gloss over or make anything look more appealing than it actually is. Your attorney’s only priority is ensuring that things work out for you.

3. Experience and Training

In addition to working for you, your Omaha real estate attorney has the knowledge and experience to make sure real estate transactions are handled properly. They are aware of the laws affecting transactions and they know what can go wrong because they have seen it happen in their experience.

4. Review and Modify Contracts

An Omaha real estate attorney is able to review contracts and modify them as necessary. The average person would not expect there to be problems with standard real estate contracts, but every transaction is different. It is important to have someone on your side who is not only familiar with the real estate process, but who also understands contract law and can make sure everything is airtight and offers you the appropriate protection before you sign it.

5. Explain Contracts and Other Legal Information

In addition to making sure a contract is as it should be, an experience Omaha real estate attorney can also break down the language in the contract and any other documents so you are able to understand what you are reading. It is no secret that business transactions include a great deal of legal “mumbo jumbo.” Legal terminology is needed to make a contract enforceable, but it is not always the easiest to understand when you have not had years of legal training. Your attorney has had this training and he can explain to you everything that is needed to make the best choices in a real estate transaction.

6. Inspection Issues

The inspection is an important part of the real estate transaction, but in most cases, inspections are legally optional. This means some buyers feel pressured into foregoing an inspection, which can be a big mistake. Your Omaha real estate attorney can include inspection contingencies in the deal and help you know exactly what you are getting when making a purchase. If you are the seller, your attorney will make sure the inspection does not delay the transaction and that it is handled by a professional who is identifying real problems, not just trying to save the buyer money.

7. Understanding Your Legal Obligations

There will be certain obligations you have regardless of whether you are the buyer or seller and your attorney can explain these to you. For instance, what happens if you back out of the deal? What happens with the earnest money? Do you owe the other party anything as a result of cancellation? The last thing you want is to face legal action because of something you have done and your Omaha real estate attorney will make sure this is not the case.

8. Mortgage Support

Real estate attorneys work with mortgage lenders, which can save you a great deal of time and hassle. You will know in advance that whatever financing arrangements are in place will be in your best interest. He or she can also act as a liaison between you and other people involved in the transaction. This saves you time and ensures that there is someone there to keep things on schedule and moving forward as efficiently as possible.

9. Title Assistance

One of the most common issues to hold up a real estate transaction is problems with the title. And even if a problem does not affect the initial transaction, a title issue can come back years later to haunt you. Your real estate attorney will make sure the title on the property is free and clear, which will save you money and frustration as the deal moves forward and the property changes hands.

10. Peace of Mind

Perhaps the best thing an Omaha real estate attorney does is give you peace of mind. Chances are a real estate transaction will be one of the biggest purchases of your life. Even if you are frequently buying or selling property, you are still dealing with large value transactions. It is imperative you have protection and someone looking out for you who understands laws and knows what to expect. It is also important to have someone there to answer questions and offer guidance if something out of the ordinary happens. Things go wrong all the time in real estate transactions and you need to make sure you are protected if there are bumps in the road.

For more information or to speak to an experienced Omaha real estate attorney, contact Mark Malousek.

Mark Malousek

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10 Reasons to Use a Real Estate Attorney