April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013

Will my Husband’s Business Card Debt Hurt my Credit After Divorce? – Nine states — Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin — are “community property” states, meaning that property or debts accumulated by either partner during a marriage belong to both partners and would be divided evenly if the marriage ends. (Alaska is an opt-in community property state.

8 Ways to Escape Workplace Stress – Stress. Just seeing the word gave you anxiety, didn’t it? Sure, everyone has their own variation of stress and it holds more weight in some areas of our lives more than others, but needless to say mostly everyone feels it on a regular basis. For entrepreneurs, it’s more like every couple of hours (or minutes) that we’re confronted with this six-letter word.

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April 25, 2013