Disputes in a Nursing Home – Mediation is Key

Disputes in a Nursing Home – Mediation is Key

Mediation is a tool that can be used to mend relationships and resolve disputes in nursing homes. Complaints against nursing homes are filed through a grievance process, and when the resolution is not good, it proceeds to arbitration. It is good to go through mediation first before arbitration. With mediation, the emotional and complex issues that arose will be discussed and handled.

Here are a few things to think about why you should choose mediation:

Mediation is less stressful: Lawsuits can be very stressful for everyone involved. Moreover, people of old age are more vulnerable to a different medical condition and we do not want them to go through stress. Waiting for court dates and attending multiple meetings with lawyers can be quite tiring. Mediation offers a less stressful way to participate meaningfully in discussions of the issue and negotiations for resolution.

Mediation is faster: Getting a court date alone will probably take a lot of time already, and usually, cases related to nursing homes last from one to three years. Litigation takes a lot of your time and money. While mediation, on the other hand, can be done in one day if everything will be resolved and settled. It can also be done at your chosen time.

Mediation is more affordable: If you opt to choose litigation, you will spend more money because it is expensive. Consider the filing fees, attorney’s fees, and other court fees applicable. Case preparation is extensive and you might need to hire different experts to build your case. And because litigations take longer, the costs will be higher than mediation.

Mediation is private: Taking matters to the court will expose you to publicity because there will be people in your trials or hearings. If you have confidential matters about the case, everything will be discussed in court even if you are comfortable or not. In mediation, everything is done in private, so you can even open the most confidential issues you want to raise against the nursing home. Everything will be discussed and negotiated in private.

Mediation offers personalized resolution: If you chose litigation, what the judge says if the final decision, it may or may not be fair to you. In mediation, every concern is open for negotiation. Both parties involved a compromise and meet in the middle for mutual benefit and resolution.

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Disputes in a Nursing Home – Mediation is Key