How Pet Mediation Solves Disputes that the Courts Can’t Solve

How Pet Mediation Solves Disputes that the Courts Can’t Solve

How Pet Mediation Solves Disputes that the Courts Can’t Solve
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /

Whether the dispute arises over a neighbor’s barking dog or a divorce in which both parties want custody of the beloved family pet, pet mediation is a field that is growing in popularity.  In an effort to avoid costly litigation over matters involving pet ownership and disputes due to pet behavior, an increasing number of disputants are finding that pet mediation is a successful, cost-effective and time-saving alternative dispute resolution process.

In pet mediation, a professional mediator works with all parties involved to settle the dispute out of court.  With a neutral, non-biased approach, a professional pet mediator can help the parties in dispute see the situation from everyone’s point of view, allowing parties to reach a resolution sooner (and with less bitterness).  Facilitating open communication and mutual respect, pet mediation allows the disputant parties to stay in control of the outcome of the case and provides the option of eventually filing a lawsuit if the mediation outcome is unsuccessful.

However, in a Wall Street Journal article entitled “A Dog’s Bark is Better than Litigation’s Bite,” Debra Hamilton, a New York State Court-certified mediator, discusses another important reason why many pet owners are finding answers to their pet-related legal problems through pet mediation.  According to Hamilton, on her experience, courts treat pets like property.  A person’s attachment to an animal is not taken into consideration.  “Courts are bound by statutes and precedent and can’t address the emotions owners may feel for their pets,” she says.  For this reason, pet mediation often has a more satisfying outcome for everyone involved, since a pet mediator will take into account the emotions involved in the dispute.

In many cases involving disruptive barking or claims regarding threatening pets, the biggest problem is a failure to communicate.  When each side is allowed an opportunity to calmly present its claim, and with the help of a mediator who understands civil law, pet mediation can resolve complaints quickly and effectively—at very little cost.

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How Pet Mediation Solves Disputes that the Courts Can’t Solve