November 28, 2013

November 28, 2013

Preparation is the Foundation for Achieving Settlement in Mediation – Mediation is becoming a “must” in many states prior to a judge hearing a case. While it may not be a written statute or rule, it is a preferred practice, especially in civil cases. Having the opportunity to achieve settlement of a dispute without the time, expense and unpredictability of a trial takes an effort, but when properly planned for can allow both parties to feel that a fair resolution has been accomplished.

Mortgage tab may cost banks $105B more – Bank costs are still piling up from legal actions involving mortgages and mortgage securities issued during the years just before the U.S. financial crisis.

Freddie Mac: Mortgage rates rise; 30-year fixed averages 4.29% – A nervous mortgage market drove interest rates higher this week ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, with the average for a 30-year fixed-rate loan rising to 4.29% from 4.22% a week earlier, Freddie Mac said.

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November 28, 2013