Top Five Reasons to Consider Child Custody Mediation

Father and sonChild custody mediation is an effective alternative that can help you and the other parent work out an agreement regarding your child. Some of the main reasons to consider child custody mediation include:

Mediation Is Non-Adversarial

If you are unable to reach an agreement with the other parent, you may consider taking legal action. However, this involves a contested litigation process that pits you and the other parent against each other. This process often creates conflict and bad feelings for years to come. In contrast, mediation is a collaborative process. Both parents focus on working together to do what is in their child’s best interests. You and the other parent can establish a fair parenting plan that allows you both to play active roles in your child’s life.

Mediation Focuses on the Future

Litigation tends to focus on mistakes the parents made in the past while mediation focuses on what will be best for your child going forward. Even if there is an existing custody arrangement in place, mediation can help the parties come up with new plans that will work better for them and their children in the future.

Mediation Minimizes Conflict

Experienced mediators use conflict resolution skills to uncover the interests of both parties. They also help exes develop new skills to have better communication. These improved communication skills help reduce conflict over time.

Mediation Reduces Costs

Reaching a resolution through mediation is often far less expensive than litigation. In litigation, you each have to pay for your attorney’s fees. You may also incur filing fees and other expenses. In mediation, you can pay just for the mediator and split the costs between the parties.

Mediation Provides a Win-Win Solution

In litigation, someone must lose, and someone wins. In mediation, it is possible for both parties to win, as well as their children.