Pet Mediation Succeeds Where the Courts Fail

Pet Mediation Succeeds Where the Courts Fail

Image courtesy of SOMMAI / Shih Tzu Dog

Pet mediation is a powerful and effective alternative to litigating pet-related disputes, and has proven to be useful in resolving conflicts related to a pet’s presence or actions.  Pet owners who encounter conflict related their pet or another’s pet understand first-hand how difficult such conflicts can be.  When litigation is pursued over matters related to a pet, the courts are often unwilling to consider mitigating circumstances that might affect the judge’s decision.  Additionally, often-biased and poorly written laws and statutes that are related to pet ownership and responsibility for a pet’s actions fail to consider circumstances that might be beyond a pet owner’s control.

In much the same way that parents seek the best for their children, responsible and caring pet owners seek the best for their pets.  In fact, many pet owners consider their pets to be as important and loved as children would be, and can become highly emotional when a conflict arises that involves their pet.

In pet mediation, a third-part mediator who is well-versed in laws and regulations related to pet ownership and responsibility will sit down with all parties involved in a pet-related dispute to assist in finding ways to resolve the dispute without taking it through the court system.  Such methods have proven highly successful in helping parties in conflict reach a satisfactory resolution—one that considers the best interests of everyone, including the pet.  In disputes such as these, miscommunication is often a factor; once that miscommunication has been corrected, it is easier for everyone to discuss the best and most logical way to resolve the issue.

Some common disputes dealt with in pet mediation include rental property disputes related to a pet’s presence, problems with a pet’s behavior, veterinary issues, disputes between a breeder and client, disputes between a kennel and client, and problems related to pet sitting and pet care.  In such cases, a pet dispute mediator will hear all evidence or testimony related to the conflict and help the parties involved reach a workable, reasonable agreement without the hassle and cost of taking the dispute to the courts.